Contributing to Gender Equality in Business Life and Increasing Female Employment in Energy Sector.
It is extremely important for women in the sector to know each other, to support and to be a role model for each other.
The universities, technical schools, machinery, technicians, electrical and electronics departments are mainly male students. However, there has been a significant increase in the interest of female students to departments such as energy systems engineering, electrical electronics, electronic communications and mechanical engineering. The issue is to motivate those women when choosing a sector. For this, they need female role models.
Our Member profile consists in senior and middle level managers, academicians, new graduates and students from different disciplines such as: Lawyers, Scientists, Bureaucrats, Financiers, Architects, Women from different Engineering Fields (Electrical, Electronics, Industry, Mechatronics, Materials, Machinery, Environment, Map, etc.), Social Scientists, City Planners etc.
Thanks to our ever increasing number of members, our group has achieved a good synergy within a very short period of time, strengthening also the comunication thanks to the sustainable projects which helps mentoring, internships, C.V. support and trainings.
We are also in touch with similar formations gaiming to represent Turkish Women and Energy sector in the best way also abroad.